[pstricks] problem with dvips to use pdftricks
Henry Proudhon
henry.proudhon at insa-lyon.fr
Fri Mar 12 14:13:34 CET 2004
I'm a phd student and I work with pstricks extensively.
I'm currently working on an big manual (say manual.tex for example) with
pdftricks and I'm in trouble to generate automatically all manual-figxx.pdf
My environnement is Winshell on Win2000 and ghostview 4.6 with ghostscript 8.13
I will try to explain my problem simply :
First I can't use the pst2pdf macro (I beleive it is because of my OS)
Package pdftricks Warning****************************************
(pdftricks) No \write 18 capability.
(pdftricks) You'll have to run a script by yourself!
(pdftricks) ****************************************
but I think the problem is not there because I've mine own script which do
exactly the same and in particular :
dvips -E -o manual-figxx.eps manual-figxx.dvi
I obtain all the files by running my script but each pdf file has a wrong
bounding box.
If I just run manualy (in a command window) dvips -E -o manual-figxx.eps
manual-figxx.dvi, then the eps file has also a wrong bounding box.
in the dvips help the -E option is decribed as not sure for graphical
I realize then that my only way to obtain a good eps file is the following :
1 - run dvips from my .dvi file to obtain .ps file
2 - run ghostview to convert ps in .eps file : File -> PS to EPS with the
option automatically calculate bounding box. Then eps file is ok and I can run
As I run ghostview I was not able to catch the exact command line requiered to
do this in a script.
I beleive ghostview call ps2epsi but I did not find an option to calculate
bounding box...
I hope you see my despear...
I summarize my problem as the following 2 ponts :
1 - The -E option indvips doesnot work for me
2 - How run ps2epsi or another program to convert the pstricks figure file
with the right bounding box
Thnak you very much for your help...
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