[pstricks] labelsize/font in psaxes

Richard J. Cattien rc.foreign at gmx.net
Sat Feb 7 14:22:37 CET 2004


my name is Richard and i'm from Munich/Germany and i'm new to this list
:-). And here's my first question:

How can i change the size and/or the font of the labels in psaxes? I've
read in http://www.perce.de/LaTeX/pst-plot/psaxes.pdf how to modify the
labelstyle for logarithmic axes, but not for normal axes.

A hint would be nice.

Here's my example:



        \psplot[plotstyle=curve,linecolor=red]{-3}{3}{x 2 exp 4 sub}
        \psplot[plotstyle=curve,linecolor=blue]{-1.71}{1.71}{x 3 exp}



Richard Cattien,
PGP-Public-Key: http://cattien.org/richard/keys/rc_pubkey.asc

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