[pstricks] Drawing a Vertical Line

Aaron Carass aaron_carass at jhu.edu
Mon Aug 11 03:37:16 CEST 2003

I am trying to finish up preparing a book and I want to add a line to my example environment.
Things currently look like this in TeX:
   \begin{example}[Rose model]

And appears like this in the text of the book like:
   Example 2.3    Rose Model
                  . . .
                  . . .

I want it to appear as:
   Example 2.3    Rose Model
       |          . . .
       |          . . .

This should be easy, but I just can't seem to make anything work. Having spent the better part of a day playing with this, I am about to throw myself off a bridge! 

A modified \psframebox (or even \fbox) can't work because of page breaks, so a modification to \\ seems like a good idea but isn't cutting the mustard.


Aaron Carass
Image Analysis and Communications Laboratory
Johns Hopkins University

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