[pstricks] pstricks and SpecialCoor

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Tue Jul 22 21:21:34 CEST 2003

>>>>> "David.Wood" == David Wood <davidw at scs.carleton.ca> writes:

    David.Wood> Can some explain why the code that follows produces the 
    David.Wood> error:

    David.Wood>   ! Bad number: `\temp '. 0 substituted..

    David.Wood> ...
    David.Wood> \psline(6;\temp)(6;0)

  The syntax of a polar coordinate is (r;a) (see the current documentation
page 72). "a" is an angle and must be a real value, not a length. But you can
use a length for the radius "r" if you need.


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