[pstricks] psmatrix and whitespace

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Mon Jul 14 19:06:28 CEST 2003

>>>>> "Herbert.Voss" == Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at alumni.tu-berlin.de> writes:

    Herbert.Voss> could someone explain the behaviour of the following example?

    Herbert.Voss> ...

    Herbert.Voss> so far so good, but why does the following construct kills the
    Herbert.Voss> vertical whitespace under the B???

    Herbert.Voss> \[
    Herbert.Voss> \r\left(\
    Herbert.Voss> \vcenter{\hbox{$
    Herbert.Voss> \psmatrix
    Herbert.Voss> A\\B
    Herbert.Voss> \endpsmatrix
    Herbert.Voss> $}}
    Herbert.Voss> \ \right)\r
    Herbert.Voss> \]

    Herbert.Voss> \end{document}

  I never used \vcenter, but, as far as I understand it, it could be the
expected behavior... At least, "psmatrix" give the same result that the
\shortstack macro. And changing the place of \vcenter gives the behavior
that you seems to expect.









  \psmatrix[rowsep=0.5] A\\A\\A\\A\endpsmatrix\right)$}}\r\]



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