[pstricks] Headerfile for files generated with \PSTtoEPS

Thomas Meigen t.meigen at augenklinik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Mon May 12 17:58:28 CEST 2003


I just started to use pdftex and wanted to try the example
from http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/pdf/pdftricks.phtml
to include pstricks-images.

		\pscircle{2} % any pstricks stuff
line before image\\
line bhind image

As it is impossible to use the pstricks macros directly for pdftex,
the proposed solution is:

1. Save the eps-files to disc
2. Include them (after conversion to pdf via Distiller or epstopdf).

My problem is

1. Both the Distiller and the epstopdf program do not convert the
EPSfileName.eps file of the above example. The Distiller gives an
error message "Offending Command tx at Dict..."

2. I suppose that there is a problem with a header file, as
the conversion is perfect when I copy the file pstricks.pro
into the EPSfileName.eps-file. The "tx at Dict" command is
defined in pstricks.pro...

3. Is there a way to force \PSTtoEPS to include the header directly
or did I simply make a mistake in my general pstricks setup?

Thanks in advance
Thomas Meigen

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*    Die Telefon- & Faxnummer hat sich geaendert!!!  *
Dr. Thomas Meigen
Josef-Schneider-Str. 11
D-97080 Wuerzburg
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Email: t.meigen at augenklinik.uni-wuerzburg.de

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