[pstricks] insertion of fig

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Tue May 6 18:46:23 CEST 2003

manjusha joshi schrieb:

I am preparing many figures using pstricks. Is there any good alternative
to insert such fig.s in the tex document with out physically pasting the
code or \input figfile ?

exporting your pstricks graphic to eps takes more time as
the \input macro

  Moreover, I want to give control to the other person to change position
and size of the figure, without disturbing code of the figure.
This problem will arises when figure is done by other person and insertion
of figure is done by person who prepares tex file.

\resizebox{width}{!}{pstricks stuff}
\scalebox{factor}{pstricks stuff}

both need graphicx.sty and are the best way when _another_
user should scale the pstricks object.


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