[pstricks] Tweak a PSTRICKS source file. Ask for help!

Patrice MEGRET Megret at telecom.fpms.ac.be
Mon Mar 24 12:24:06 CET 2003

Dear Jorge,

You shoud first draw the axes and then place the balls.

See the attached modified file in which I have included your node
connections inside \MyXYZ and before the \rput..{\MyBall..}

Best regards,


Prof. Dr Ir Patrice MEGRET
Electromagnetism and Telecommunications
Boulevard Dolez 31
B-7000 MONS
tel: +32 65 37 41 91
fax: +32 65 37 41 99
email: Megret at telecom.fpms.ac.be
Web: http://www.telecom.fpms.ac.be

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jorge Luis Llanio" <jolla at ci.uc.pt>
To: <pstricks at tug.org>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:33 AM
Subject: [pstricks] Tweak a PSTRICKS source file. Ask for help!

> Dear All,
> In the picture that follows, I want the central atom in the triatomic A
> molecule to be positioned lying  along the Z-axis, so I use
> \rput(0,1){\MyBall[lightgray]} (see the PSTRICKS source)
> but I want it to "eclipse" the Z-axis; I mean, I don't want to see the
> Z-axis passing through my ball \MyBall[lightgray], the Z-axis should be
> interrupted
> Any suggestions? Thank you very much in advance,
> Jorge Luis
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