[pstricks] Re: force pstricks object to be on the top layer

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Tue Feb 4 19:33:35 CET 2003

les ander schrieb:

> i would like certain of the graphics generated via pstricks
> to be on top of other things might be drawn on top of it. 
> is there a parameter to make a drawing to be on top of all the others?
> thanks

This is anexample for placing a pstricks drawing on
top of a given eps image.
the demo eps is available at




A roof on a rose ... :-)

       \rput[r](\wd\Imagebox,\ht\Imagebox){Upper Right}
       \rput[l](0,\ht\Imagebox){Upper Left}

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