[pstricks] Re: pstricks digest, Vol 1 #120 - 1 msg
Denis Girou
Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Fri Nov 29 21:19:34 CET 2002
>>>>> "Frankie.Nguyen" == Frankie Nguyen <tnguyen at cs.uakron.edu> writes:
Frankie.Nguyen> I am using WinEdt and i have Miktex/TextLive. I tried to use PStricks for
Frankie.Nguyen> the basic graph. Do you have any idea how to graph a basic function in the
Frankie.Nguyen> latex. For example. I want to graph a function x and y 10by10 into my
Frankie.Nguyen> document you know by using pstrick.
See my answer to the message of Cyrille Piatecki that I just post.
P.S. You must take care that if PSTricks is very powerful, it is also
rather complex, with many things to learn and to read. Also read the content
of the messages that the automate mailer sent to you...
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of pstricks digest..."
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