[pstricks] Re: density fill
Denis Girou
Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Tue Nov 19 19:04:16 CET 2002
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to comp.text.tex as well.
>>>>> "les" == abidnego25 <abidnego25 at yahoo.com> writes:
les> thanks for the reply, but this is not what i want.
les> i would like to make
les> circles with given number of dots (uniform random)
les> in them. is this possible?
So, this version must be near of what you want. Adapt it for your precise
\input{random.tex}% From Donald Arseneau (CTAN:macros/generic/random.tex)
% Circle with dots at random positions
% #1=radius of the circle
% #2=number of dots (put on the (-#1,-#1)(#1,#1) square,
% not on the circle itself!)
\setrandim{\XPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
\setrandim{\YPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
% Circle with dots at random positions, with random dot sizes
% #1=radius of the circle
% #2=number of dots (put on the (-#1,-#1)(#1,#1) square,
% not on the circle itself!)
\setrandim{\XPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
\setrandim{\YPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
% Circle with dots at random positions, with random dot sizes
% and random colors
% #1=radius of the circle
% #2=number of dots (put on the (-#1,-#1)(#1,#1) square,
% not on the circle itself!)
\setrandim{\XPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
\setrandim{\YPos}{-#1 pt}{#1 pt}%
% To fix the random seed (otherwise the clock is used)
{\psset{dotscale=3}\CircleWithDotsA{3}{500}} % Bigger fixed dots
Denis Girou
Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
Bâtiment 506 - B.P. 167 - 91403 Orsay Cedex - France |
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