[pstricks] Finite-state Diagrams

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Fri Oct 4 20:38:18 CEST 2002

>>>>> "Francisco.Grossi" == Francisco A S Grossi <fgrossi at brfree.com.br> writes:

    Francisco.Grossi> I know how to draw finite-state diagrams using pstricks. However, I did not
    Francisco.Grossi> like the loop from one node to itself (I used nccircle for that) because it
    Francisco.Grossi> takes most of the space around the node and it is not nice. Is there a way
    Francisco.Grossi> to draw a thiner loop?

  I have not understood what you want to obtain (perhaps that the JPEG image
joined to your message showed what you want to have, but I was able to see
nothing on it...).

  You obviously must know how to change the radius of the circle, as this is
a required parameter... Otherwise, you can try to play with a kind of node
connection joining two nodes, which will be the same one here. It can offer
more flexibility. See here for \ncloop.





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