[pstricks] Using the "psplot"

Stephane Lemarie lemarie at grenoble.inra.fr
Fri Nov 16 10:12:37 CET 2001

I am a new pstricks user and new on this mailing list (so sorry if this 
question is not new!).

I have two questions:
- I am trying to use the psplot function, and i am a bit lost with the way 
i should program,
in the postscript langage, the function i want to draw. I have not seen a 
lot of details on this
particular point in the different pstricks tutorials (just a couple of 
example). I have seen that
there are different books on postscipt... but if i can avoid that. Does 
some of you have a
document (electronic form) that give a rather synthetic information on how 
to draw curves
using the postscript langage.
- A more practical question: have some of you experiment this psplot function?
How limited is it? Should i better draw the curve using specific software 
(GnuPlot of Mathematica),
export in EPS, and work with them with pstricks.

Thanks for your help,

Stéphane Lemarié

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