AW: [pstricks] PostScript code within PSTricks

Ulrich Dirr ud at
Tue Jun 12 16:23:45 CEST 2001

> In particular, following line:
> \rput(#1,! #2\space\a add}){\tiny 23.8\%}

the definition of \SpecialCoor says about (!ps) that ps should expand
to a coordinate pair. I think you're wrong with the comma and with the
exclamation mark in the middle of the coordinate values.

> \newcommand{\myline}[3]{%
> \SpecialCoor
> \psframe[linewidth=1pt,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=#3](! #1
> \mydata1\space
> add 0)(! #1 \mydata1\space sub #2)
>           \pscustom{ \SpecialCoor
>           %\rput(#1 ! #2\space\a add}){\tiny 23.8\%}
> %%%%%%   This line does not work.
> }
> }

here you're using another \rput-variation: this time without a comma,
but how should this work according to the syntax of (!ps) ?!

Probably Denis Girou will give you a correct example. In the meantime
you can use the following as a work-around:

   (! #1 \mydata1\space add 0)(! #1 \mydata1\space sub #2)
\multido{\r=#2+\a}{1}{\rput(#1,\r){\tiny 23.8\%}}

the last \SpecialCoor is only because you're using special coordinates
in your example of \psline; it would be better to omit it here and use
it explicitly before the \psline-example

Ulrich Dirr

Art & Satz
Ulrich Dirr
Arnimstraße 9
81369 München
fon (+49 89) 743 30 60
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