[pstricks] Seminar settings

Fabio Schoen schoen at ing.unifi.it
Thu Apr 19 18:50:37 CEST 2001

I am trying to use Seminar and PsTricks to produce laptop slides (similar to MS Power Point, which I don't like...)

I cannot avoid my slides appearing in the form of a box (with rounded or squared corners): the problem is that if I use a gradient background, the gradient fills the box, but not the part outside of it.
How can I redefine seminar's parameters in order to let the box fill all of the screen?
(PS: the examples at http://www.tug.org/applications/Seminar/index.html
behave exactly the way I like, but I have no access to their source code).
fabio schoen

Fabio Schoen            Professor of Operations Research
tel: +39  0554796.358    fax: +39 0554796.363
Dip. Sistemi  e  Informatica  Univ. di Firenze - via di S.Marta 3, 50139 FIRENZE  (Italy)
home page:       http://globopt.dsi.unifi.it/users/schoen
CIRO:  http://www.dsi.unifi.it/ciro

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