"reverse" text

Radhakrishnan C V cvr at river-valley.com
Sun Oct 22 12:19:06 CEST 2000

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
For help using this mailing list, see instructions at the end of message.

On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, E. Krishnan wrote:
: I can "reverse" (ie, get the mirror image of) a single TeX page using
: minipage and Scalebox, but is there a painles way to reverse a multipage
: document?

Here is a little PostScript code that will generate mirror imaged *.ps
from your dvi.

--------------------------> cut here <--------------------------

currentpagedevice /MirrorPrint known {
    /MirrorPrint true	    % Use built-in feature
  >> setpagedevice
  /BeginPage {
   pop			    % Discard page number parameter
   /PageSize get aload pop  % Get current page size
   pop 0 translate	    % Move origin across page
   -1 1 scale		    % Flip writing direction
 >> setpagedevice
} ifelse

--------------------------> cut here <--------------------------

Save this file as mirror.ps (or any name you like), the syntax for
generating the mirror imaged postscript from a dvi will be:

  dvips -h mirror.ps <filename.dvi> -o

Alternatively, if you have the normal postscript file already generated,
please load it any ascii editor, cut and paste this mirror.ps after the
comments part in your normal postscript file.

If you view this file with gv (ghostscript) this will show mirror imaged
view of the contents.

Hope this helps.


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