Predefined colors?

Denis Bitouzé bitouze at
Tue Sep 26 10:13:13 CEST 2000

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Denis Girou a écrit :

> >>>>> "Denis.Bitouze" == Denis  <=?iso-8859-1?Q?Bitouz=E9?= <bitouze at>> writes:
>     Denis.Bitouze> Nevertheless, a trouble seems to occur when using package `pstcol' and the environment `table'
>     Denis.Bitouze> (everything is OK
>     Denis.Bitouze> if I don't load the package `pstcol'):
>     Denis.Bitouze> ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
>     Denis.Bitouze> \color at endbox ->\color at endgroup \egroup
>     Denis.Bitouze> l.13 \end{table}
>   I don't reproduce your problem on a simple test, but there are perhaps
> things you use that I do not guess.

I apologize for the time since Denis Girou's message, I had some troubles with the email.

In fact, the trouble came from the use of  'doublespace' package with 'pstcol' package. Replacing the package
'doublespace' by the newest one 'setspace', it works fine.



Denis Bitouzé
I.U.T. de Saint Omer-Dunkerque
Département Génie Thermique et Énergie
Centre Universitaire de la Citadelle
Quai Freycinet 1
B.P. 5.313
59379 DUNKERQUE Cedex 1
Téléphone : 03-28-23-70-56
Télécopie : 03-28-23-70-49

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