Printing text and PSTricks stuff separately

MicroPress Inc. support at
Wed Nov 17 19:08:48 CET 1999

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
For help using this mailing list, see instructions at the end of message.

At 11:33 AM 11/17/99 +0100, you wrote:

>I'm using PSTricks to make slides. 
>Recently, I discovered the package PDFslide, which is oriented towards
>screen presentation. Even though it is possible to display PS files
>full-screen, PDF files are more quicly displayed and well suited for
>``dynamical'' presentations. 
>As everybody knows, without Acrobat Distiller, it seems impossible to use

Only seems; VTeX handles PStricks/PSfrag in one pass TeX->Pdf compilation,
for more info, or any CTAN site 
for free downloads (OS/2 & Linux currently)

>PSTricks and output PDF. Using GS to convert the file to PDF is not a good
>solution because the fonts are rendered very poorly by Acrobat. Use of

This is supposed to be fixed soon in GS; possibly the current beta's of GS
would function already.

>PDFLaTeX allows to have good rendering of fonts, but then, we loose great
>features like PSTricks and PSFRAG.

[see above]
>Because more often PSTricks stuff is displayed in the background, with text
>laying on it, I just wondered if it could be possible to output both layers
>separately : I mean, everything which is coming from PSTricks and the text
>itself. In this way, one could convert the background to PDF or JPEG and
>use it as background in PDFLaTeX, having so good rendering of fonts and
>wonderful features of PS inclusions.
>OK, this seems tricky, but do we have the choice? 
>Has everybody any idea how this could be practically done, or at least if
>it's possible?

Most certainly possible. We did exactly this for the purpose of debugging
of the VTeX code generator. Notice that this will not work with some of 
Pstricks modules (pst-path, pst-text), but these are probably not the ones
you care about.

The way to do this is to hack the dvips code to write out all the PostScript-
related \special's to a separate file; then run this file through the distiller.
[make sure to emit the text positions as well, before every \special.]
>Thank you for any suggestion.
>Pascal Kockaert                               Tél: +32-2-650.28.30
>Service d'Optique et d'Acoustique             Fax: +32-2-650.44.96
>Université Libre de Bruxelles  CP194/5     e-mail: Pascal.Kockaert at
>50, Av. F.D. Roosevelt          	      URL:
>B-1050 Bruxelles
>Age quod agis
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Michael Vulis


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