what is the capability of PSTricks?

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Tue Nov 9 19:07:04 CET 1999

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
For help using this mailing list, see instructions at the end of message.

>>>>> "Niren.Patel" == Niren  <npatel at cmie.com> writes:

    Niren.Patel> Hi,
    Niren.Patel> 	We are printing documents of having around 500 to 600 graphs. We
    Niren.Patel> are planning to generated graphs using PSTricks commands, on the basis
    Niren.Patel> of 1 graph script per file. Then we will include all these files in a main
    Niren.Patel> LaTeX document file. 
    Niren.Patel> 	Till now we used generate EPS for all graph (1 file per graph) and
    Niren.Patel> then we use to include this file as a graphic in LaTeX file. 
    Niren.Patel> 	Now, we are concerned about following points:
    Niren.Patel> 1)  The processing power required to compile the LaTeX document to PS,
    Niren.Patel> won't it make the document compilation slow.
    Niren.Patel> 2)  Will the file size be big, compared to what we used to do before?
    Niren.Patel> (i.e. using EPS graph files)

  [ I follow up your message to the list, as it can interest other people,
and also because somebody else can have a real experience of big documents
with a lot of graphics - which is not really my case! ]

  I just make some basic tests with multiple insertion (500 times) of the same
picture. For the EPS case, it heavily depend of the way the file is generated.
I use here the TeXtoEPS environment, which is probably a good solution in many
circumstances for PST pictures.

  I test two different pictures, a simple one and a complex one, on a fast
PC server under Linux with teTeX.

  For the simple  test, "latex" take  9 sec. and "dvips" 1 sec. for PSTricks
picture and 2 sec. +  9 sec. for EPS graphics. The resulting PS file is
 1 MB for PST and 19 MB for EPS.

  For the complex test, "latex" take 92 sec. and "dvips" 9 sec. for PSTricks
picture and 3 sec. + 12 sec. for EPS graphics. The resulting PS file is
14 MB for PST and 26 MB for EPS.

  Take care also that, if you have no text between your graphs, you must insert
explicit \clearpage commands between the PST pictures (due to the TeX
mechanism to look for possible page breaks).

  I hope it can give you some elements of information that you can use in your

Denis Girou
Institut du Développement et des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique                             |
Bâtiment 506 - B.P. 167 - 91403 Orsay Cedex - France                     |

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