pstree too gets too large

Adam Rogoyski rogoyski at
Mon Oct 25 18:38:11 CEST 1999

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On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Alain Ketterlin wrote:

> Adam Rogoyski (24 Oct) writes:
> >    Hi.  I am trying to use binary trees which have up to a few hundred
> > nodes in them, and when I have more than a few nodes, Everything gets
> > pushed off the page and printing it cuts off most of the tree.  I am not
> > sure how to get the tree to fit on a single page
> Put it in a \scalebox or \scaleboxto (with maybe one of the dimensions
> equal to zero and the other equal to \textwidth or \textheight).

   This works great.  Thank you.


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