I need some help!

Isaiah Shavitt shavitt at chemistry.ohio-state.edu
Sun Sep 19 22:40:07 CEST 1999

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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Thank you very much for your detailed examples.  I have learned a lot 
from them.  

There is one point that puzzles me:  In the third to fifth examples 
(versions \dlineC, \dlineD, and \dlineE), the coordinates (! Xc Yc) 
for the start of the \psline are used before they are defined in the 
next (long) (! ...) ps code for the tip of the arrow.  Since these 
versions work, it implies that the definition in the second (!ps) 
are available to the first (!ps)!  Is this true?

Thank you again,  I.S.
Isaiah Shavitt
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry           Telephone: 614-292-1668
The Ohio State University         Fax:       614-292-1685
Columbus, OH 43210-1185           E-mail: shavitt at chemistry.ohio-state.edu

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