I need some help!

Isaiah Shavitt shavitt at chemistry.ohio-state.edu
Fri Sep 3 21:07:39 CEST 1999

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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I have been writing a series of macros for PSTricks to help in drawing 
a large number of diagrams for a book I am writing.  While I am fairly 
comfortable with LaTeX and with the main parts of PSTricks, I have more 
limited knowledge of TeX and PostScript.  I have succeeded in writing 
and using a fairly large number of relatively simple macros, including 
a few which contain raw PostScript code, but I need to write more complex 
and more general macros that require more knowledge. 

In attempting to learn more about the art of writing such macros,I have 
looked at a large number of programming examples in the PST archive, 
at the "Building high level objects in PSTricks" slides of Denis Girou, 
and a few other sources, but cannot understand them fully because they 
contain features that do not appear in any of the manuals available to 
me, such as TeX, LaTeX, PostScript, and PSTricks documentation.

Can somebody tell me where I can find definitions and information for 
the following items:

	\pst at .... commands of various types

	\tvput command (I cannot find it in the PST documentation)

	Items such as ED, CLW, etc. which appear in PS code
	    (I assume these are defined in the PS dictionary stack used 
	    by PST, but how can I find out what they do?)

	I still have difficulty getting PST lengths into the PS code in
	    (!ps) constructs, etc.  I can get arguments (#1, etc.) in 
	    without difficulty (as long as they are substituted by pure 
           numbers), but not PST variables.

I would appreciate any help in this matter.  I like PSTricks very much, 
but need to learn more about it to be able to utilize it effectively.
Isaiah Shavitt
Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry           Telephone: 614-292-1668
The Ohio State University         Fax:       614-292-1685
Columbus, OH 43210-1185           E-mail: shavitt at chemistry.ohio-state.edu

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