[Problem] \curveto and \rcurveto macros broken

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Thu Aug 5 01:18:27 CEST 1999

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  I recently found that there was still a very old typo (already here
in version 0.93....) which prevent the \curveto and \rcurveto macros
to work.

  * 99/08/03 pstricks.tex (97 patch 11): The \curveto and \rcurveto macros
were broken due to a typo in the \pst at threecoor macro (in fact, it was
already present in version 0.93...)
(reported by Denis Girou <Denis.Girou at idris.fr>)

  The correction in pstricks.tex is trivial:

\def\fileversion{97 patch 11}


\def\pst at threecoor#1(#2)#3(#4)#5(#6){%
\pst at getcoor{#2}\pst at tempa
\pst at getcoor{#4}\pst at tempb
% DG/SR modification begin - Aug.  3, 1999 - Patch 11
%\pst at getcoor{#6}\pst at tembc
\pst at getcoor{#6}\pst at tempc
% DG/SR modification end


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