Uncontinuous curves

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Tue May 11 12:22:44 CEST 1999

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>>>>> "Nicolas.Francois" == Nicolas FRANCOIS <nicofran at club-internet.fr> writes:

    Nicolas.Francois> Hi. I would like to draw scale functions with discontinuities, using lines
    Nicolas.Francois> with a half-circle at the end. How should I replace the >-< option to
    Nicolas.Francois> achieve this ?

  The solution given by Eddie Saudrais answer to the question asked and give
a good result.

  But, as he said, if you want a clean solution and to avoid to must add some
extra \psline commands just to draw the connectors, you must define a )-( type

  In fact, it is trivial to do, following the TeX and PostScript codes for the
(-) arrow. Some years ago, I have done for somebody else the same thing for the
]-[ arrow (in fact, it was not very correct at this time, as it didn't behave
correctly if we change bracketlength for instance, but I just correct it...).

  Nevertheless, I don't test extensively the code...






% D.G. modification begin - Oct. 25, 1996 and May. 11, 1999

\def\pst at arrowtable{,<->,<<->>,>-<,>>-<<,(-),)-(,[-],]-[}

% ]-[ arrow
\def\tx at BracketOut{BracketOut }
/BracketOut {%
CLW mul add dup CLW sub 2 div
%/x ED mul CLW add
/x ED mul neg
/y ED
/z CLW 2 div def
x neg y moveto
x neg CLW 2 div L x CLW 2 div L x y L stroke 0 CLW moveto } def
\psk at bracketlength \psk at tbarsize \tx at BracketOut}

% )-( arrow
\def\tx at RoundBracketOut{RoundBracketOut }
/RoundBracketOut {%
CLW mul add dup 2 div
%/x ED mul 
/x ED mul neg
/y ED
/mtrx CM def
2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if
1 1 moveto
.85 .5 .35 0 0 0 curveto
-.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto
mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto } def
\psk at rbracketlength \psk at tbarsize \tx at RoundBracketOut}

% D.G. modification end






% From: Nicolas FRANCOIS <nicofran at club-internet.fr>
% To: pstricks at tug.org
% Subject: Uncontinuous curves
% Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 00:18:39 +0200

   \psdots[dotstyle=*,dotsize=4pt 2](4,2.5)
   \psdots[dotstyle=*,dotsize=4pt 2](2,2.5)(6,2.5)

% The same, with -( and )- arrows

   \psdots[dotstyle=*,dotsize=4pt 2](4,2.5)
   \psdots[dotstyle=*,dotsize=4pt 2](2,2.5)(6,2.5)



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