[Distribution] Updates on CTAN
Denis Girou
Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Fri May 7 19:38:45 CEST 1999
This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
For help using this mailing list, see instructions at the end of message.
Sebastian has just updated the distribution on CTAN, which was not changed
since many months (but there were only -fortunately!- few patches and few
files modified).
I put here the current VERSIONS file, so you can check your installation
if you want (I just see that since two years pst-text.tex and pst-tree.tex
have their minus sign missing! I just correct it for the future update).
PSTricks current file versions
(May 3, 1999)
generic directory:
| File | Version | Date |
| dvipsone.con | 97 | 1994/03/29 |
| multido.tex | 1.4 | 1993/01/14 |
| pst-3d.tex | 97 | 1997/03/25 |
| pst-char.tex | 97 patch 3 | 1999/03/11 |
| pst-coil.tex | 97 patch 2 | 1998/03/19 |
| pst-eps.tex | 97 patch 1 | 1997/05/05 |
| pst-fill.tex | 97 patch 1 | 1997/11/05 |
| pst-grad.tex | 97 patch 1 | 1997/04/28 |
| pst-node.tex | 97 patch 9 | 1999/04/14 |
| pst-plot.tex | 97 patch 1 | 1997/04/28 |
| psttext.tex | 97 | 1997/03/25 |
| psttree.tex | 97 patch 3 | 1997/09/24 |
| pstricks.con | 97 patch 2 | 1997/04/28 |
| pstricks.tex | 97 patch 10 | 1999/03/24 |
| textures.con | 97 | 1997/03/01 |
| vtex.con | 97 patch 2 | 1998/07/10 |
dvips directory:
| File | Version | Date |
| pst-coil.pro | 97 patch 1 | 1998/06/02 |
| pst-dots.pro | 97 | 1993/05/07 |
| pst-grad.pro | 97 | 1993/05/12 |
| pst-node.pro | 97 patch 1 | 1997/05/09 |
| pst-text.pro | 97 | 1997/04/20 |
| pstricks.pro | 97 patch 3 | 1998/06/01 |
doc directory:
| File | Version | Date |
| pstricks.bug | 97 patch 4 | 1999/03/24 |
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