tree points converted to line

Yvon Thoraval Yvon.Thoraval at
Wed Feb 17 23:45:15 CET 1999

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with the following figure :

\psdots[linecolor=blue, dotstyle=*, dotscale=2](-30,30)(30,30)
\psdots[linecolor=black, dotstyle=*, dotscale=1](-15,30)(0,30)(+15,30)

i get right what i wanted in the *.ps version of the file, however, 
when converting it into *.pdf i got something wrong. The tree points :

\psdots[linecolor=black, dotstyle=*, dotscale=1](-15,30)(0,30)(+15,30)

are converted to a single line

even if i put those tree points in tree different lines :

\psdots[linecolor=black, dotstyle=*, dotscale=1](-15,30)
\psdots[linecolor=black, dotstyle=*, dotscale=1](0,30)
\psdots[linecolor=black, dotstyle=*, dotscale=1](+15,30)

that the result with acrobat distiller

the same *.ps file works correctly when converted to pdf using ghostscript.

Any idea ?

Yvon Thoraval (plus rapide)
ICQ#27574215                                 #PsyChat sur UnderZ

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