PStricks in PDF mode and PostScript feedback

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Dec 2 22:51:59 CET 1998

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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    Michael.Vulis> GeX currently works in the PDF output mode and supports inclusion of
    Michael.Vulis> encapsulated PostScript (.eps)
    Michael.Vulis> as well as inline PostScript (PSTricks/PSFrag). 

  Even if this concern only one TeX implementation, and a commercial one,
it must be interesting for everybody here to have feedback on user
experiments on PSTricks interaction (of course, questions and support must be
asked directly to MicroPress, not here).

  Obvioulsy, outside the non up to date online documentation, the lack of PDF 
integration is probably the main weakness of PSTricks today (nevertheless,
even if this is rather painful for large documents, just don't forget that it
is always possible to use the `pst-eps' conversion way, that I shown again
recently for GIF or JPEG images generation, to generate PNG files from
PSTricks diagrams, which can be directly inserted in a PDF document using for
instance pdflatex. On the other hand, I have up to now no idea of what allow
the dvi to pdf converters).

   So, it is specially interesting to look at the evolutions in this
direction, as the one proposed by MicroPress.


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