GIF picture files from PSTricks graphics

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Fri Nov 27 22:37:05 CET 1998

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  Somebody complain recently about the poor quality he had on the GIF picture
files he generated from some PSTricks graphics (of course to use at images in
his Web pages).

  Nevertheless, this is not a general problem and is dependent of the tools
used. The way I used, based on "convert" from the ImageMagick software
(available both for Unix and Windows), always produced GIF or JPEG files of
very good quality (it can generate also PNG files, but I never try).
Very probably that other tools can give good results too, but some other ways
as the one used by this person produce bad ones.

  Main conclusion is: if you need to generate GIF files, _it is possible_
to have ones of very good quality.

  I use the TeXtoEPS environment from the `pst-eps' package (we must also take 
care to don't forget the "\pagestyle{empty}" command) and the -E option
(for EPS generation) of the converter I use (I suppose that other ones can do
that too).





  *** PSTricks code ***



latex test-pst
dvips -E -h -h -o test-pst.eps test-pst.dvi
convert -geometry 250x250 test-pst.eps test-pst.gif


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