
Denis Girou Denis.Girou at
Wed Sep 2 23:05:52 CEST 1998

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graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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>>>>> "Bernd.Brandt" == Bernd Brandt <bernd at> writes:

    Bernd.Brandt> Does anyone know of an easy way in pst-node to use nodes of
    Bernd.Brandt> constant size/radius?
    Bernd.Brandt> As to have circles of the same radius around text I used
    Bernd.Brandt> \cnode and then \rnode to place the text:

    Bernd.Brandt> 	\begin{pspicture}(2,2)(4,8)
    Bernd.Brandt> 	\rput[c](2,8){\cnode{.4}{A}}
    Bernd.Brandt> 	\rput[c](2,6){\cnode{.4}{B}}
    Bernd.Brandt> 	\rput(2,8){\rnode{a}{$x_0$}}
    Bernd.Brandt> 	\rput(2,6){\rnode{b}{$x_{1_1}$}}
    Bernd.Brandt> 	\ncline[nodesep=5pt]{->}{A}{B}
    Bernd.Brandt> 	\end{pspicture}

  Use \makebox.











  P.S. It is the same thing for tree nodes. For an example of it, look at:

    Bernd.Brandt> Is there one command that is able to place text surrounded
    Bernd.Brandt> by a triangle, diamond, box, or circle of the same size?
    Bernd.Brandt> I was unable to find one in LGC.

  I am not sure here to really understand what you mean by "same size".
Can you be more precise? Thanks.


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