pstricks and calc

Werenfried Spit w.spit at
Thu Aug 6 14:13:47 CEST 1998

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Wouldn't it be nice if the functionality of calc and pstricks
were integrated. So one could do stuff like
\rput(1+\leftshift,1){once more}
\rput(1+\rightshift,1){and again}

Alas, I tried but it didn't work. Not even wrapped up a little bit 
in a macro:


leading to

! Undefined control sequence.
\calc at pre@scan ...calc at open \else \let \calc at next 
                                                  \calc at numeric \fi \calc at ne...
l.10 \rput(1,\num{1+1}){1+1}
! Undefined control sequence.
\GenericError  ...                                
                                                    #4  \errhelp \@err@     ...
l.10 \rput(1,\num{1+1}){1+1}

Is pstricks expanding the \num macro too far? Not far enough? Anyone
else tried this?
Werenfried Spit                            e-mail  W.Spit at
Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers         phone   +31-70-3.700.709
Den Haag, The Netherlands                  fax     +31-70-3.600.098

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