Typesetting text inside convex shapes

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Fri Jun 5 23:40:57 CEST 1998

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  Some of you probably know the strange `shapepar' package by Donald Arseneau
which allow to typeset text inside predefined shapes. His examples are
impressive, but unfortunately it is really difficult to design the forms.

  One dream was to be able to simply use PSTricks commands to do that.
There was a brief discussion one year ago between me, Donald Arseneau and
one of you about this question, and answer was obviously that it would be
really a difficult and hard job.

  Nevertheless, Mika Heiskanen post today in comp.lang.postscript a pure
PostScript code which allow to typeset text in convex shapes. It weakness
is that everything must be done in PostScript.

  But with few work, I succeed to integrate his program with PSTricks, with
few hacks in Mika code and in PSTricks macros. Results are rather impressive,
even if there are real limitations (see my comments in the code). Interested
people can improve it...

  Thanks for you excellent idea Mika!





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