[Installation] On Macintosh with OzTeX

Maurice DIAMANTINI diam at ensta.fr
Mon Apr 27 14:40:10 CEST 1998

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À (At) 22:31 +0200 23/04/98, Denis Girou écrivait (wrote) :

I use pstricks on Macintosh with MacGUT (from GUTenberg 

I'm not very clever in LaTeX administation, but I was able to 
reinstall the last pstricks version.

It was missing a color.cfg file in ..texenv:tex:latex:graphics:

For question about OzTeX, perhaps he should asks on GUTenberg
mailing list

Maurice DIAMANTINI   |    Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees
mailto:diam at ensta.fr |    32 Boulevard Victor 75739 PARIS Cedex 15 - France

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