extending pst-gradient

MARIANO Georges mariano at terre.inrets.fr
Thu Apr 9 12:11:11 CEST 1998

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I need to extend pst-gradient to allow "circle gradient"
with gradbegin color at the center point
and gradend color at "midcircle" circle and so on...

following current parameters, it seems to me that additional parameters
could be something like
	fillstyle = "gradcircle" (instead of "gradient")
	gradradius (do we need it ?)
	midpoint  may be use for "midcircle" 
		(or midcircle as a renaming of midpoint)
	{gradcircle is made of circles with differents colors,
	the circle with radius midpoint*gradcircle has gradend color
	and the circle with radius gradradius has gradbegin color 
	(unless midpoint is 1.0 of course)

unfortunately, I do not understand postscript 
(yet, but may be, next week .... :-)
so I'm unable to extend pst-grad.tex code 
(which is rather short and clean)

can someone help me ??

Georges MARIANO                 tel: (33) 03 20 43 84 06
INRETS, 20 rue Elisee Reclus    fax: (33) 03 20 43 83 59
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq         mailto:mariano at terre.inrets.fr
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