[Service] Mail headers

Maurice DIAMANTINI diam at ensta.fr
Fri Mar 13 07:00:25 CET 1998

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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À (At) 19:42 +0100 11/03/98, Denis Girou écrivait (wrote) :

>  When you send a message on a "new" subject, take care to don't make a reply
>on a previous message just changing the subject field. You will send an
>apparently correct message but nevertheless with a wrong "In-Reply-To" field.

Sorry, it's my fault: that what I've done instead of simply created a true 
NEW message.

>  I correct it by hand (and my replies too, as the references are
>automatically linked...) to generate the correct thread.
>Thanks to take care to that!

Maurice DIAMANTINI   |    Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees
mailto:diam at ensta.fr |    32 Boulevard Victor 75739 PARIS Cedex 15 - France

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