[Problem] Macros using node coordinates used them as absolute ones

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Wed Feb 25 23:00:45 CET 1998

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  Thomas Siegel <siegel at aix550.informatik.uni-leipzig.de> recently report that 
moves (by \rput for instance) of objects defined using nodes have no effect.
The position is not affected by the translation required.

  My test file is:








  Despite efforts, I haven't found a correction or a workaround for the
moment... (the problem is related to the way that nodes used to compute their
center when we refer to them - it is the GetCenter PostScript macro from
pst-node.pro). As it use transformation matrices, the question is not easy...

  I update the pstricks.bug file for that.

  Thanks for the report, Thomas!


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