Textures & PStricks again

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Mon Jan 26 14:37:08 CET 1998

This is the PSTricks mailing list, devoted to discussions about computational
graphics in (La)TeX using the PSTricks package from Timothy van Zandt.
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    Luc.Albert> I am a textures & pstricks user on Macintosh and I've encountered
    Luc.Albert> some problems. I read all the previous messages on that subject on the list
    Luc.Albert> and I installed pstricks as Michal Morvan wrote.

  Yes. The message of Michal Morvan of Wednesday 21 (based on the decisive
informations of Michael J. Sharpe in July) is the point where we are.

    Luc.Albert> The pst-test.tex worked fine but when I try some examples of the
    Luc.Albert> LGC (for example : 4-6-39 , 4-6-26 and even 4-6-45) I obtain
    Luc.Albert> ps errors or no-printing.
    Luc.Albert> Do we have to modify some other .pro files ?

  Thomas Meigen reported Thursday 22 that \pstextpath doesn't work (which is
not too surprising for me, just seeing at all the restrictions described page
76 of the manual). I can't say more for the moment.


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