[Problem] \scale macro doesn't work

Denis Girou Denis.Girou at idris.fr
Wed Jan 7 18:41:08 CET 1998

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  I found recently that the \scale macro doesn't work (I'm sure it is too not
heavily used...)

  In fact, it is our error building PSTricks 97, as we miss to include the
corresponding correction form the pstricks.bug file from 0.93 version.

  * 98/01/07 pstricks.tex (93a/b-97 patch 9): The \scale macro doesn't work,
due to a bug correction from the 0.93 pstricks.bug file not reported in
PSTricks 97.
(reported by Denis Girou <Denis.Girou at idris.fr>)



% DG/SR modification begin - Jan. 7, 1998 (missing from pstricks.bug 0.93)
%\def\pst at getscale#1#2{%
%\pst at expandafter\pst at getnumii{#1 #1} {} {} {}\@nil
%\ifdim\pst at tempg\p@=\z@
%\@pstrickserr{Bad scaling argument `#1'}\@ehpa
%\def\pst at tempg{1 }%
%\ifdim\pst at temph\p@=\z@
%\if at pst\@pstrickserr{Bad scaling argument `#1'}\@ehpa\fi
%\def\pst at temph{1 }%
%\edef#2{\pst at tempg\space \pst at temph\space scale }%
%\ifdim\pst at tempg\p@=\p@ \ifdim\pst at temph\p@=\p@
\def\pst at getscale#1#2{%
\edef\pst at tempg{#1}%
\ifx\pst at tempg\@none
\pst at expandafter\pst at getnumii{#1 #1} {} {} {}\@nil
\ifdim\pst at tempg\p@=\z@
\@pstrickserr{Bad scaling argument `#1'}\@ehpa
\ifdim\pst at temph\p@=\z@
\@pstrickserr{Bad scaling argument `#1'}\@ehpa
\edef#2{\pst at tempg\space \pst at temph\space scale }%
% DG/SR modification end






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