[protext] Latex version - Voluntary support

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sat Jul 16 23:51:28 CEST 2011

On 16/07/2011 20:30, VIKASH . wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> After lots of recommendation from my friends and teachers, I am about to
> download latex from your website and looking forward to learn and use it.
> Could you please let me know that the file *"protext.exe" *which we download
> from the website
> http://mirror-cybernet.lums.edu.pk/pub/ctan/systems/windows/protext/
> comprises which version of latex? Is it Latex 2 or latex 3 ? And do we need
> to download the other two files namely *Protext -3.0-070811.exe* and  *Protext
> -3.0-070811.exe.md5* as well which are available in the above mentioned
> website ?Will appreciate your reply on this. If it is latex 2 can you please
> tell me when can we get to see Latex 3 ?
> *Also I would like to to support your team voluntarily.*
> Thank You!

Hello Mr Pandey

The LaTeX3 Project does not have the resources to offer direct support
to end users. There are, however, many excellent on-line resources for
LaTeX users. For beginners with LaTeX, there are a wide range of books,
guides, FAQs and so on. Two particularly good lists are available at




To ask more detailed questions, there are again a wide variety of places
to seek support. In English, two sites which have active and helpful
communities are The LaTeX Community (http://www.latex-community.org) and
TeX.SX (http://tex.stackexchange.com).

All of that said, on this particular matter we can offer some guidance.
The current release of LaTeX, LaTeX2e, is best obtained by end users as
part of a 'TeX distribution'. The two popular distributions are TeX Live
(http://www.tug.org/texlive) and MiKTeX (http://www.miktex.org). ProTeXt
(http://www.tug.org/protext/) is based on MiKTeX, and adds additional
features. Any of these systems will supply a working LaTeX2e system.
Joseph Wright

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