[pdftex] Rerunning pdflatex

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Wed Apr 7 10:40:47 CEST 2010

Vafa Khalighi <vafakh84 at gmail.com> wrote:

>   pages are compiled independently by default.  this is the way tex works.
>   that information is passed to future runs via the .aux file, so that
>   later compilations know (on page n) what happened on pages n+1, n+2,
>   etc.
> It is true that page breaking is unpredicted in TeX but with some tricks
> you can overcome this. As an example in bidi package, \autofootnoterule is
> implemented. If the first footnote in a page is RTL, the footnote rule is
> on right hand side, no matter what other footnotes on that specific page
> are and if the first footnote in a page is LTR, the footnote rule on that
> specfic page is on the left hand side, no matter what other footnotes on
> that page are. [...]

true; a neat trick.

however, it has no relevance whatever to the situation with longtable,
where page n of the table may quite reasonably be affected by page n+5
of the table (splitting is asynchronous w.r.t the compilation of code).


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