[pdftex] Question about PDF forms and hyperref

January Weiner january at uni-muenster.de
Tue Mar 11 09:53:00 CET 2008


I just tried to create a couple of simple forms using hyperref. I
encounter the following problems:

1) unless I specify some text as an argument, the form field will not
appear, i.e. \TextField{} doesn't work, \TextField{~} does. Why?

2) The borders around the text fields are printed. I don't like that.
I'd like the user to know where the field is when entering data, but I
don't want it to be printable. How can I accomplish that?

3) the checkboxes, on the other hand, do not show up in a program like
"gv". However, I'd love to have them show up. I thought of creating a
frame around the hyperref checkbox with no border (or a white border),
but it should fit tightly. Has anyone already a nice way of doing it?

Thanks in advance,


------------ January Weiner 3 ---------------------+---------------
Division of Bioinformatics, University of Muenster | Schloßplatz 4
(+49)(251)8321634 | D48149 Münster
http://www.uni-muenster.de/Evolution/ebb/ | Germany

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