[pdftex] Pale print with Adobe Reader

Rodolfo Medina rodolfo.medina at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 19:41:15 CET 2007

On 3/8/07, Rodolfo Medina <rodolfo.medina at gmail.com> wrote:

>>>>> I did:
>>>>>  $ tex file.tex
>>>>> and got file.dvi; then
>>>>>  $ dvips file.dvi -o
>>>>> and got file.ps; then
>>>>>  $ ps2pdf file.ps
>>>>> and got file.pdf. Now, with some printers the print is all right; with
>>>>> some it comes out very pale. If I use pdftex:
>>>>>  $ pdftex file.tex
>>>>> , the result is even worse. The same printer prints other pdf files fine.
>>>>> I need printing my pdf file through MS Windows and Adobe or Acrobat
>>>>> Reader. I tried all the possible settings and options in the print dialog
>>>>> window with no result. Any hint?
>> [...]
>> I was using the default Donald Knuth's plain TeX fonts cmr12 and cmti12. Now
>> the problem seems to be solved using the ptmr font
>> [...]
> Now, trying to sum up: if I want to print my TeX document with MS Windows
> Adobe Acrobat, I'll have to use ptmr, ptmri, ptmb in place of, respectively,
> cmr, cmti, cmbx, and then do:
>  $ tex file.tex
>  $ dvips -P pdf file.dvi -o
>  $ ps2pdf file.ps
> . Apart from the fact that the beauty of cmr is lost with ptmr, how can I
> replace cmmi, cmsy, cmbx, cmex, cmtt?

"Axel E. Retif" <axel.retif at mac.com> writes:

> \usepackage{mathptmx} or, for me even better, \usepackage{txfonts}
> But if you want Computer Modern, at least in my distribution, if I use
> \usepackage[T1}{fontenc} Computer Modern gets embedded as a  postscript font
> (in fact, cm-super), so it should print fine using  Acrobat. You can also try
> \usepackage{lmodern}.

Thanks indeed for your help, but your indications can't actually really help me
because I'm a plain TeX user. Can anybody translate them into plain TeX


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