[pdftex] How to covert pdf file into latex file?

Mick McQuaid mick at mickmcquaid.com
Fri Jul 14 17:02:51 CEST 2006

This is potentially extremely helpful.

This thread has mostly assumed that the original
poster needs a pdf->latex converter.  I asked the
original poster offline about this and got the impression
that what was really desired was to know how some
beautiful pdfs in their possession, known to be of
pdftex origin, were made.

One of my favorite books for learning TeX was
      Mathematical Tex by Example, Borde
because I could leaf through it and quickly find
something that looked good, then see on the
facing page how it was made.

A really great example of showing input and output
(albeit for Metapost) may be found at
This is a very long page of examples of Metapost
code and what they produce.

I am always interested in finding examples of
pdftex input and output, set up so that it's easy
to thumb through the output and see how it got that

Aleks Kleyn <Aleks_Kleyn at MailAPS.org> wrote: For my opinion this problem has simple solution. Where ever I send paper I
send original tex file. Publisher converts it to pdf file, however he puts
on site both pdf and tex files. If somebody wants to get source code he can
do it.

Aleks Kleyn



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