[pdftex] Adobe Battles Backward-Compatibility Woes
Robin Fairbairns
Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Fri Apr 7 10:33:20 CEST 2006
reinhard kotucha writes:
> > "A commercial company like Adobe, with its army of software
> > engineers, will make a far better product than any consortium of
> > volunteers devoting their spare time to concocting Acrobat and PDF
> > products."
> I don't think an "army of software engineers" will make a good
> product. An army is a group of soldiers who are supposed to act on
> orders without using their brains. Acroread obviously had been
> programmed by a group of soldiers.
> I assume that the PostScript and PDF specs had been developed by very
> few people, and certainly not by soldiers. I don't know very much
> about PDF but the last few days I spent a vast amount of time
> programming in PostScript and I'm quite impressed to see that
> PostScript is a very clean and straightforward programming language
> which is amazingly well documented.
> In my opinion all the Adobe standards are very well documented.
> (Though I'm wondering why Adobe is still unable to insert hyperlinks
> into their PDF files).
> And what we absolutely don't need is an industry-wide standards
> committee.
the one (strong) advantage to a standards committee is that it slows
things down.
at the moment, changes to the pdf standard are driven by adobe's
commercial imperatives: "the sales of current acrobat * are flagging:
we need to release a new version". by imposing a delay (for external
experts to review what adobe are proposing to do) we might stand a
chance that groups such as the pdf team could "keep up".
note: i've served (for long periods) on standards committees -- i know
their weaknesses all too well. but i perceive the above as a
potential strength that you apparently haven't noticed.
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