[pdftex] Supremacy (?) of pdflatex

James W. Haefner James.Haefner at usu.edu
Mon Oct 4 16:14:33 CEST 2004

This is easily done using a combination of "pdfscreen" and "texpower".

twma at maths.uwa.edu.au wrote:
> Sorry, I did not make myself clear. Please compile the file and then it
> should be more clear.
> My question has nothing to do with memory (I think) because it is SO SMALL.
> It contains only one big page (size: a4-paper) and three minipages on top of
> it.
> It is IMPOSSIBLE for the paper version (like the old book) to hold three
> minipages at the same location (or position) of the big page.
> Is it possible for pdfLatex to produce one-page pdf-file containing three
> minipages which are all located at the same lower right hand corner (for
> example)? People can read each minipage one after another by clicking a 
> button near the location of the minipages. If this has been done, I consider
> that the dynamic pdf-files are more superior than the static conventional
> books.This is what I mean by supremacy.
> I hope that I can make myself more clear now. Thank you for your attention.
> twma at maths.uwa.edu.au                 (one-year-old, Latex-baby).
> *************

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