[pdftex] PSUtils equivalent for pdftex output.

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Wed Apr 14 00:57:33 CEST 2004

>>>>> "John" == John Culleton <john at wexfordpress.com> writes:

    > and I would prefer something that works with the output of
    > pdftex, and not just pdflatex.

pdfpages works with the output of ANY program which is able to produce
PDF.  It even works with files produced by buggy Adobe programs.

I don't know why you avoid everything based on LaTeX.  pdfpages is a
very powerful package and if you don't want to use it, you have three

1. use Context/texexec (certainly the best choice)
2. use plain TeX and re-invent everything yourself.
3. edit the pdf file manually.  Good luck!


Reinhard Kotucha			              Phone: +49-511-4592165
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover	                      mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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