[pdftex] PSUtils equivalent for pdftex output.

John Culleton john at wexfordpress.com
Wed Apr 14 04:56:31 CEST 2004

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 05:52 am, Tigran Aivazian wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, John Culleton wrote:
> > In times past I used EPS files and plain TeX to make up
> > music booklets. Now I am trying to change  to using png
> > files and pdftex.
> >
> >  But I am caught in a dilemma. If I say \pdfoutput =1
> > then the very useful PSUtils such as psbook and
> > psselect won't work, because the output is in pdf form
> > of course.
> I had the same dilemma and I found that using the
> excellent package called pdfpages provides almost all the
> functionality from psbook that I needed.

I need pdf equivalents  of psbook, psnup and psselect. and I 
would prefer something that works with the output of 
pdftex, and not just pdflatex. 
Your program handles the psbook part so it is a useful 
start.  And it can handle either pdftex or pdflatex output. 
Acrobat Reader can handle the psselect part, but not as 
automatically as my little scripts. What is missing from the 
workflow is the psnup part.  Here are my three scripts:
psbook $1.ps $1b.ps
psnup -2 -ptabloid -Pletter $1b.ps $1p.ps
psselect -o -r  $1p.ps $1o.ps
psselect -e -r  $1p.ps $1e.ps
lpr $1o.ps
echo 'switch paper'
read x
lpr $1e.ps
rm $1p.ps $1e.ps $1o.ps $1b.ps

So I will keep on looking. For now the old workflow 
(described above) still seems the most efficient.

Thanks for your response. 
John Culleton
Able Typesetters and Indexers

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