[pdftex] Increasing grouping levels

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Apr 1 18:04:40 CEST 2004

> 	I got this error message in various logs:
> 	"TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [grouping levels=255]"
> 	I got something similar, earlier, about nested_levels. I successfully
> changed texmf.cnf and everything went fine. But I don't know how to
> setup groupings_level the same way, despite searching the web. Any
> attempt to increase various variables did not solve this problem.

i would guess that your program is looping.

i know that it _is_ possible to correctly have

{{ ... 252 more ... {{ blah }} ... 252 more ... }}

but in actual practice these things are pretty unusual.  my guess would
be that if you looked at the error traceback for the nesting levels,
you would see a closely repeated pattern.

unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a traceback for grouping level,
as you can see from


[this isn't a pdftex question: it would be more appropriate on texhax;
also, it's a good idea to say which distribution you're using when
posing a question about configuration.]

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