[pdftex] Mathematica fonts, pdflatex, and MiKTeX 2.4

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Fri Nov 7 06:26:07 CET 2003

> I have figures that use Mathematica fonts.  (The pdf figures
> were converted from eps format either using Perl script or
> Imagemagic.)  After updating to MiKTeX 2.4 pdflatex can no
> longer work with the figures (no problems for dvips).  It shows
> the following error message:
>   Error: pdflatex (file Math2.pfa): CharStrings dict: more
>   entries than dict size  (223)
>   ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file is not finished!
> How may I solve the problem?  Thanks.

In the case of version 4.1 or older ones,
/CharStrings in Mathematica fonts are wrong.
You can correct those by t1disasm and t1asm:

name              wrong  right

Math1-Bold        223    224
Math1             223    224
Math1Mono-Bold    223    224
Math1Mono         223    224
Math2-Bold        223    224
Math2             223    224
Math2Mono-Bold    223    224
Math2Mono         223    224
Math3-Bold        223    224
Math3             223    224
Math3Mono-Bold    223    224
Math3Mono         223    224
Math4-Bold        223    224
Math4             223    224
Math4Mono-Bold    223    224
Math4Mono         223    224

Akira Kakuto

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