[pdftex] Forward looking object references

The Thanh Han hanthethanh at hotpop.com
Sun Mar 23 10:42:04 CET 2003

On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 07:22:17PM -0500, Igor Khomyakov wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you Hans, Sebastian, Klaus, and Laurent for your replies. In this
> email I will try to justify/clarify the goal I am trying to achieve, and
> provide some examples. I believe that this method will work nicely for PDF
> output, and can be used successfully for wide range of applications (e.g.
> number of total pages, table of contents, summary sections, etc.). I hope
> that if nobody knows how to achieve this in existing version of pdfTeX, Han
> (The Thanh) would pick it up, and tell us how it can be done, or whether
> there is a chance this functionality will be included into future releases.

that should not be hard to implement. Before I start doing it, I just want
to ask whether someone else (Martin/Heiko/Fabrice) is considering doing
it? If not I will give a try.


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