[pdftex] efficient font use

Naga Toro naga at linux.nu
Tue Mar 4 19:07:35 CET 2003


it was my posting to the Mite-users list that was forwarded here.
Some additional info:

This gives 12.1kb with pdfTeX and 6.15kb with adobe distiller
Not so big difference but the bigger the sourcefile the bigger the

Hans Fr. Nordhaug Wrote:
> What is the name of the fonts? Are they type 1 or type 3? I see that you
The fonts are: SFBX1728 and SFRM1200 and they are Type 1.

> use "\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}" Are you then using CM-super to get
> type1 fonts?
I guess :-) I don't know but I think so. At least CM-super is mentioned in
the out put.

> What happens to the pdf made by distiller if you make the ps by
>   "dvips -Ppdf test.dvi -o test.ps"?
It generates
This is dvips(k) 5.90a Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software
' TeX output 2003.03.03:2034' -> test.ps
And the resulting file is 8 028 bytes.

> What fonts does pdfLaTeX include - see the last lines of the log file?

> PS! Don't use \RequirePackage in normal documents - use \usepackage.
>     (\RequirePackage is for packages/classes.)
I know I cut/pasted from my own article class

Laurent Siebenmann Wrote:
> (PS.  I imagine pdgTeX is an upmarket version of pdfTeX --
> PDG being an acronym for Pr'esident Directeur G'en'eral;-)

I guess that's my mistake those keys are small sometimes :-)


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